Who is Fleur Robins?

Fleur Robins is a skipping, whirling, socially clueless, Earth-reverencing, body-bemoaning, quirkily gifted young girl whose blossoming over the course of three books leads her from obsessing over the Void to discovering the pivotal role of the human heart in addressing our species’ direst dilemmas. Follow Fleur, the enchanting creation of novelist Sharon Heath, on the next leg of her remarkable journey.



Follow Fleur

Sharon Heath's sequel to the Fleur Trilogy is available now!

Learn more about Sharon Heath and her latest book The Mysterious Composition of Tears.





“The human imagination is a living miracle: our bridge to the wonderings and wisdom of the ancients, to the vibrancy of the present—and to world-altering possibilities. I’m drawn to write stories about socially awkward odd ducks and gifted outsiders who stumble from self-doubt and loneliness toward the solace of love, who sense the suffering of the Earth and seek the mysteries of the universe, who are flawed and goofy and occasionally scarily destructive, and who struggle to find the courage to face the void, sometimes finding within it seeds of renewal, gratitude, and even joy.”

“I ask the trees what purpose we humans could possibly have evolved to fulfill, given our disrespect for their beauty and the beauty of the interwoven natural order. They don’t reveal their secret entirely—they’re trees, after all, and a tree needs to preserve a decent amount of mystery—but they assure me that our species is here for a reason and that some of us are doing a fine job of it. So I want to give a shoutout to those of you who are trying to do justice to the faith of the trees. It would be a damned shame to disappoint them.”

“It’s times like these that we desperately feel the need to be holding each other and holding one another up, exchanging our fears and deepest hopes, sharing the light of connection by which we humans have made our way through the terrifying unknown—what The Fleur Trilogy’s eponymic heroine calls “the void”—for 200,000 years.”

“(I was) very depressed as a child…and I found precious moments of escape reading everything from the backs of Cheerios boxes to Anna Karenina. I just knew back then that writing stories for others to enjoy would be the most wondrous calling in the world. I also ‘knew’ that I might as well forget that desire, as I had no imagination. When…Fleur emerged from within me, chock-full of whimsical, dreadful, and unusual imagination, I realized that something long pent-up and previously invisible was getting released. The sweet irony is that my second—and also abandoned—ambition as a girl was to become an astronomer. The deliciousness of writing about an imaginative child whose insatiably curious mind inquires into the nature of the cosmos hasn’t been lost on me!”


Thoughts and Inspirations



Sleep much lately? I don’t. I’m not aware of anyone who cares about the survival and soul of our democracy who isn’t experiencing profound disquiet in this intense moment in the American experiment. Not only our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren,...

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Floods and Shimmers and Survival of the Species, Oh My!

C.G. Jung famously wrote, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” And if ever there was a time to shine what Joni Mitchell called our "little lights" into the darkness, this is it. It seems that at any...

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When the Earth Shakes

The grim death toll from the continuing temblors impacting Turkey and Syria has surpassed 47,000, and by all accounts it will continue to rise. Those of us living atop a hundred, intersecting earthquake faults in SoCal continue to shudder, pray for our sisters and...

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