Singing in the Dark Times

Today I find myself turning again to those fateful lines from  Bertolt Brecht’s Motto to the Svendborg Poems, penned in 1939: “In the dark times  Will there also be singing?  Yes, there will also be singing. About the dark times.” In 2017, we...

Love in a Time of Climate Change

We’re living in some seriously dark times. Yet all around us ~ and inside us ~ the generous, green spark of life continues to bring forth new discoveries, new pleasures, new opportunities to dance our way into what Fleur Robins likes to call further incarnations...

Songs of Root and Sky

I’m a city girl. For most of my life, I’ve lived in SoCal, with a brief stint in Berkeley as a young teen. My family moved around a lot, but the closest we got to anything resembling raw nature was in my earliest years, when we lived just a few blocks from...

Stand up Like a Mountain

I can’t believe it’s been two whole years since I last posted here in Cyber Land. During that time, a new grandchild burst into my life like a wild wind, toppling old routines and riveting my attention. I’ve become the archetypal grandma, yakking away to everyone I...